Buckets of paint, pieces of tile, pencils, glue, and brushes poured into Yemin Orde youth village over the past few months. For three months I have worked with Yemin Orde youth to transform the beautiful green campus into a canvas of color. My first project was a lively mosaic made of pieces of broken tile and mirror. A group of ten children from Ethiopia, Brazil, and China worked with me to develop the design for the mosaic which would represent some of the central values of Yemin Orde. Once the sketch was completed, all of the youth of the village voted on the location of the mosaic- near the dining hall. Next the work began! Children worked with me during their breaks from school to break tiles, glue them to the wall, and fill in the grout. The result was a beautiful work of art that represents the themes of Torah, unity, Israel, and working together. My next project was a large, colorful mural on one of the central walls of the village. I worked with a group of thirty twelfth grade boys from over five different countries to design, draw, and paint the mural. The experience brought the diverse group together and gave them tremendous pride, for their creation will remain a permanent part of the Yemin Orde landscape, and will continue to express the message of unity and cooperation for years to come! In just a few weeks I will bring her creativity to Yemin Orde Initiative’s newest project, the soon-to-open Agahozo Shalom Youth Village in Rwanda! I will volunteer there for eight months, painting, teaching, and spreading all that she has learned at Yemin Orde. I will miss Yemin Orde, but I am glad to be spreading the message of Tikkun Olam, mending the world, in Rwanda, and making it more colorful along the way!